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WCA October 01, 2024 Meeting


WCA Board

  • Heather McAllen

  • Nick Lutzio


NASA Representation

  • Dr. Cindi Pietroski; NASA WFF S&MA Division Chief (Code 390)


Contractor Presentation

  • No contractor Presentation this month


Upcoming Meetings

  • WCA Meeting November 5 @ 10

  • WCA Executive Board Meeting November 12 @ 11



Heather McAllen: 

  • Quick opening for the meeting. Notification for the meeting was mistakenly sent out a little late so participation was lower than usual but several people were able to attend and we had a great presentation on SMA planned.

  • Heather encouraged members to continue to participate in the monthly meetings. The quarterlies are important, but the monthlies are how we get work done.

  • Georgie Brophy was in attendance and discussed along with Rick Weaver a successful UMES Industry day.

  • Rick has pictures that he will share for us to post and knows others that took pictures that he can ping as well.

Dr. Cindi Pietroski:

  • Presentation on Safety and Mission Assurance at WFF.  She discussed both institutional Safety and Operational Safety.

  • Worked through an Organizational chart giving us all a quick description of the people involved at the various levels and described the work they were doing.  This gave us an interesting perspective to understand not only the work being done by code 300 but also the specific people involved in each area so that the contractors had names and POCs depending on their specific need.

  • Dr. Pietroski slides are available on the WCA chat to everyone

Heather McAllen Announcement:

  • The scholarship drive for UMES and ESCC began on September 30 and will go through December 2.  We have led this activity every year and will continue to do so this year.  We worked through some of the details of that as we, the current board, have not done this and want to ensure we are properly collecting and dispersing the money for the scholarships. Heather sent out a letter that can be sent to the leaders/decision makers of the companies to secure a donation to this fund.

  • We discussed having a spring event used for fundraising.  Heather had a few ideas about what that event might be but wanted to WCA community to be involved and provide some ides for fundraising.  Please send Heather, or any other board member for that matter, your ideas so we can consider them for our spring event.

  • Announced the December meeting as being our quarterly where we will have Dave Pierce and Procurement presenting.

Running Actions (new actions in green):

  1. Board Members provide picture and bio to Heather for the website

  2. Update the by-laws to make sure we are incorporating our new initiatives

  3. Determine presentations for next month

  4. Begin WCA branding initiative across Wallops

  5. Heather to begin 501c3 efforts

    1. Nick to discuss efforts with Lee Rizzo on non-profit

    2. Nick to discuss how to set up a non-profit with either MSBR or Maryland Aerospace Alliance leaders

  6. Members provide Heather with fundraising ideas

  7. Members to provide letter to their leadership for approval to donate to the scholarship fund.

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